#include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "cmark.h" #include "node.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "utf8.h" // Functions to convert cmark_nodes to commonmark strings. struct render_state { int options; cmark_strbuf* buffer; cmark_strbuf* prefix; int column; int width; int need_cr; int last_breakable; bool begin_line; bool no_wrap; bool in_tight_list_item; }; static inline void cr(struct render_state *state) { if (state->need_cr < 1) { state->need_cr = 1; } } static inline void blankline(struct render_state *state) { if (state->need_cr < 2) { state->need_cr = 2; } } static inline void double_blankline(struct render_state *state) { if (state->need_cr < 3) { state->need_cr = 3; } } typedef enum { LITERAL, NORMAL, TITLE, URL, BRACED_URL } escaping; static inline bool needs_escaping(escaping escape, int32_t c, unsigned char next_c, struct render_state *state) { if (escape == NORMAL) { return (c == '*' || c == '_' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '\\' || (c == '&' && isalpha(next_c)) || (c == '!' && next_c == '[') || (state->begin_line && (c == '-' || c == '+' || c == '#' || c == '=')) || (c == '#' && (isspace(next_c) || next_c == '\0')) || ((c == '.' || c == ')') && isdigit(state->buffer->ptr[state->buffer->size - 1]))); } else if (escape == TITLE) { return (c == '`' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '"' || c == '\\'); } else if (escape == URL) { return (c == '`' || c == '<' || c == '>' || isspace(c) || c == '\\' || c == ')' || c == '('); } else if (escape == BRACED_URL) { return (c == '`' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '\\'); } else { return false; } } static inline void out(struct render_state *state, cmark_chunk str, bool wrap, escaping escape) { unsigned char* source = str.data; int length = str.len; unsigned char nextc; int32_t c; int i = 0; int len; cmark_chunk remainder = cmark_chunk_literal(""); int k = state->buffer->size - 1; wrap = wrap && !state->no_wrap; if (state->in_tight_list_item && state->need_cr > 1) { state->need_cr = 1; } while (state->need_cr) { if (k < 0 || state->buffer->ptr[k] == '\n') { k -= 1; } else { cmark_strbuf_putc(state->buffer, '\n'); if (state->need_cr > 1) { cmark_strbuf_put(state->buffer, state->prefix->ptr, state->prefix->size); } } state->column = 0; state->begin_line = true; state->need_cr -= 1; } while (i < length) { if (state->begin_line) { cmark_strbuf_put(state->buffer, state->prefix->ptr, state->prefix->size); // note: this assumes prefix is ascii: state->column = state->prefix->size; } len = utf8proc_iterate(source + i, length - i, &c); nextc = source[i + len]; if (c == 32 && wrap) { if (!state->begin_line) { cmark_strbuf_putc(state->buffer, ' '); state->column += 1; state->begin_line = false; state->last_breakable = state->buffer->size - 1; // skip following spaces while (source[i + 1] == ' ') { i++; } } } else if (c == 10) { cmark_strbuf_putc(state->buffer, '\n'); state->column = 0; state->begin_line = true; state->last_breakable = 0; } else if (needs_escaping(escape, c, nextc, state)) { if (isspace(c)) { // use percent encoding for spaces cmark_strbuf_printf(state->buffer, "%%%2x", c); state->column += 3; } else { cmark_strbuf_putc(state->buffer, '\\'); utf8proc_encode_char(c, state->buffer); state->column += 2; } state->begin_line = false; } else { utf8proc_encode_char(c, state->buffer); state->column += 1; state->begin_line = false; } // If adding the character went beyond width, look for an // earlier place where the line could be broken: if (state->width > 0 && state->column > state->width && !state->begin_line && state->last_breakable > 0) { // copy from last_breakable to remainder cmark_chunk_set_cstr(&remainder, (char *) state->buffer->ptr + state->last_breakable + 1); // truncate at last_breakable cmark_strbuf_truncate(state->buffer, state->last_breakable); // add newline, prefix, and remainder cmark_strbuf_putc(state->buffer, '\n'); cmark_strbuf_put(state->buffer, state->prefix->ptr, state->prefix->size); cmark_strbuf_put(state->buffer, remainder.data, remainder.len); state->column = state->prefix->size + remainder.len; cmark_chunk_free(&remainder); state->last_breakable = 0; state->begin_line = false; } i += len; } } static void lit(struct render_state *state, char *s, bool wrap) { cmark_chunk str = cmark_chunk_literal(s); out(state, str, wrap, LITERAL); } static int longest_backtick_sequence(cmark_chunk *code) { int longest = 0; int current = 0; int i = 0; while (i < code->len) { if (code->data[i] == '`') { current++; } else { if (current > longest) { longest = current; } current = 0; } i++; } return longest; } static int S_render_node(cmark_node *node, cmark_event_type ev_type, struct render_state *state) { cmark_node *tmp; int list_number; cmark_delim_type list_delim; int numticks; int i; bool entering = (ev_type == CMARK_EVENT_ENTER); const char *info; const char *title; char listmarker[64]; int marker_width; state->in_tight_list_item = node->type == CMARK_NODE_ITEM && cmark_node_get_list_tight(node->parent); switch (node->type) { case CMARK_NODE_DOCUMENT: if (!entering) { cmark_strbuf_putc(state->buffer, '\n'); } break; case CMARK_NODE_BLOCK_QUOTE: if (entering) { lit(state, "> ", false); cmark_strbuf_puts(state->prefix, "> "); } else { cmark_strbuf_truncate(state->prefix, state->prefix->size - 2); blankline(state); } break; case CMARK_NODE_LIST: if (!entering && node->next && (node->next->type == CMARK_NODE_CODE_BLOCK || node->next->type == CMARK_NODE_LIST)) { // two blank lines after list before code block or list double_blankline(state); } break; case CMARK_NODE_ITEM: if (cmark_node_get_list_type(node->parent) == CMARK_BULLET_LIST) { marker_width = 2; } else { list_number = cmark_node_get_list_start(node->parent); list_delim = cmark_node_get_list_delim(node->parent); tmp = node; while (tmp->prev) { tmp = tmp->prev; list_number += 1; } // we ensure a width of at least 4 so // we get nice transition from single digits // to double snprintf(listmarker, 63, "%d%s%s", list_number, list_delim == CMARK_PAREN_DELIM ? ")" : ".", list_number < 10 ? " " : " "); marker_width = strlen(listmarker); } if (entering) { // TODO change bullet list marker to avoid // interpretation as setext headers? if (cmark_node_get_list_type(node->parent) == CMARK_BULLET_LIST) { lit(state, "- ", false); cmark_strbuf_puts(state->prefix, " "); } else { lit(state, listmarker, false); for (i=marker_width; i--;) { cmark_strbuf_putc(state->prefix, ' '); } } } else { cmark_strbuf_truncate(state->prefix, state->prefix->size - marker_width); cr(state); } break; case CMARK_NODE_HEADER: if (entering) { for (int i = cmark_node_get_header_level(node); i > 0; i--) { lit(state, "#", false); } lit(state, " ", false); state->no_wrap = true; } else { state->no_wrap = false; blankline(state); } break; case CMARK_NODE_CODE_BLOCK: blankline(state); info = cmark_node_get_fence_info(node); if (info == NULL || strlen(info) == 0) { // use indented form if no info lit(state, " ", false); cmark_strbuf_puts(state->prefix, " "); out(state, node->as.code.literal, false, LITERAL); cmark_strbuf_truncate(state->prefix, state->prefix->size - 4); } else { numticks = longest_backtick_sequence(&node->as.code.literal) + 1; if (numticks < 3) { numticks = 3; } for (i = 0; i < numticks; i++) { lit(state, "`", false); } lit(state, " ", false); out(state, cmark_chunk_literal(info), false, LITERAL); cr(state); out(state, node->as.code.literal, false, NORMAL); cr(state); for (i = 0; i < numticks; i++) { lit(state, "`", false); } } blankline(state); break; case CMARK_NODE_HTML: blankline(state); out(state, node->as.literal, false, LITERAL); blankline(state); break; case CMARK_NODE_HRULE: blankline(state); lit(state, "-----", false); blankline(state); break; case CMARK_NODE_PARAGRAPH: if (!entering) { blankline(state); } break; case CMARK_NODE_TEXT: out(state, node->as.literal, true, NORMAL); break; case CMARK_NODE_LINEBREAK: if (!(CMARK_OPT_HARDBREAKS & state->options)) { lit(state, "\\", false); } cr(state); break; case CMARK_NODE_SOFTBREAK: lit(state, " ", true); break; case CMARK_NODE_CODE: numticks = longest_backtick_sequence(&node->as.literal) + 1; for (i = 0; i < numticks; i++) { lit(state, "`", false); } if (numticks > 1) { lit(state, " ", false); } out(state, node->as.literal, true, LITERAL); if (numticks > 1) { lit(state, " ", false); } for (i = 0; i < numticks; i++) { lit(state, "`", false); } break; case CMARK_NODE_INLINE_HTML: out(state, node->as.literal, true, LITERAL); break; case CMARK_NODE_STRONG: if (entering) { lit(state, "**", false); } else { lit(state, "**", false); } break; case CMARK_NODE_EMPH: if (entering) { lit(state, "*", false); } else { lit(state, "*", false); } break; case CMARK_NODE_LINK: if (entering) { lit(state, "[", false); } else { // TODO - emit autolink when url matches link text // TODO - backslash-escape " and \ inside url, title // for both links and images lit(state, "](", false); out(state, cmark_chunk_literal(cmark_node_get_url(node)), false, URL); title = cmark_node_get_title(node); if (title && strlen(title) > 0) { lit(state, " \"", true); out(state, cmark_chunk_literal(title), false, TITLE); lit(state, "\"", false); } lit(state, ")", false); } break; case CMARK_NODE_IMAGE: if (entering) { lit(state, "![", false); } else { lit(state, "](", false); out(state, cmark_chunk_literal(cmark_node_get_url(node)), false, URL); title = cmark_node_get_title(node); if (title && strlen(title) > 0) { lit(state, " \"", true); out(state, cmark_chunk_literal(title), false, TITLE); lit(state, "\"", false); } lit(state, ")", false); } break; default: assert(false); break; } return 1; } char *cmark_render_commonmark(cmark_node *root, int options, int width) { char *result; cmark_strbuf commonmark = GH_BUF_INIT; cmark_strbuf prefix = GH_BUF_INIT; if (CMARK_OPT_HARDBREAKS & options) { width = 0; } struct render_state state = { options, &commonmark, &prefix, 0, width, 0, 0, true, false, false}; cmark_node *cur; cmark_event_type ev_type; cmark_iter *iter = cmark_iter_new(root); while ((ev_type = cmark_iter_next(iter)) != CMARK_EVENT_DONE) { cur = cmark_iter_get_node(iter); S_render_node(cur, ev_type, &state); } result = (char *)cmark_strbuf_detach(&commonmark); cmark_strbuf_free(&prefix); cmark_iter_free(iter); return result; }