from __future__ import unicode_literals from ctypes import * import sys import platform c_object_p = POINTER(c_void_p) if sys.version_info[0] > 2: def bytes_and_length(text): if type(text) == str: text = text.encode("utf8") return text, len(text) else: def bytes_and_length(text): if type(text) == unicode: text = text.encode("utf8") return text, len(text) def unicode_from_char_p(res, fn, args): ret = res.decode("utf8") return ret class owned_char_p(c_void_p): def __del__(self): conf.lib.cmark_default_mem_free(self.value) def unicode_from_owned_char_p(res, fn, args): ret = cast(res, c_char_p).value.decode("utf8") return ret def boolean_from_result(res, fn, args): return bool(res) def delim_from_int(res, fn, args): if res == 0: return '' elif res == 1: return '.' elif res == 2: return ')' class BaseEnumeration(object): def __init__(self, value): if value >= len(self.__class__._kinds): self.__class__._kinds += [None] * (value - len(self.__class__._kinds) + 1) if self.__class__._kinds[value] is not None: raise ValueError('{0} value {1} already loaded'.format( str(self.__class__), value)) self.value = value self.__class__._kinds[value] = self self.__class__._name_map = None def from_param(self): return self.value @classmethod def from_id(cls, id, fn, args): if id >= len(cls._kinds) or cls._kinds[id] is None: raise ValueError('Unknown template argument kind %d' % id) return cls._kinds[id] @property def name(self): """Get the enumeration name of this cursor kind.""" if self._name_map is None: self._name_map = {} for key, value in self.__class__.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(value, self.__class__): self._name_map[value] = key return str(self._name_map[self]) def __repr__(self): return '%s.%s' % (self.__class__.__name__,,) class Parser(object): OPT_DEFAULT = 0 OPT_SOURCEPOS = 1 << 1 OPT_HARDBREAKS = 1 << 2 OPT_SAFE = 1 << 3 OPT_NOBREAKS = 1 << 4 OPT_NORMALIZE = 1 << 8 OPT_VALIDATE_UTF8 = 1 << 9 OPT_SMART = 1 << 10 def __init__(self, options=0): self._parser = conf.lib.cmark_parser_new(options) def __del__(self): conf.lib.cmark_parser_free(self._parser) def feed(self, text): conf.lib.cmark_parser_feed(self._parser, *bytes_and_length(text)) def finish(self): return conf.lib.cmark_parser_finish(self._parser) def get_source_map(self): return conf.lib.cmark_parser_get_first_source_extent(self._parser) class LibcmarkError(Exception): def __init__(self, message): self.m = message def __str__(self): return self.m class NodeType(BaseEnumeration): _kinds = [] _name_map = None NodeType.NONE = NodeType(0) NodeType.DOCUMENT = NodeType(1) NodeType.BLOCK_QUOTE = NodeType(2) NodeType.LIST = NodeType(3) NodeType.ITEM = NodeType(4) NodeType.CODE_BLOCK = NodeType(5) NodeType.HTML_BLOCK = NodeType(6) NodeType.CUSTOM_BLOCK = NodeType(7) NodeType.PARAGRAPH = NodeType(8) NodeType.HEADING = NodeType(9) NodeType.THEMATIC_BREAK = NodeType(10) NodeType.TEXT = NodeType(11) NodeType.SOFTBREAK = NodeType(12) NodeType.LINEBREAK = NodeType(13) NodeType.CODE = NodeType(14) NodeType.HTML_INLINE = NodeType(15) NodeType.CUSTOM_INLINE = NodeType(16) NodeType.EMPH = NodeType(17) NodeType.STRONG = NodeType(18) NodeType.LINK = NodeType(19) NodeType.IMAGE = NodeType(20) class ListType(BaseEnumeration): _kinds = [] _name_map = None ListType.BULLET = ListType(1) ListType.ORDERED = ListType(2) class Node(object): __subclass_map = {} def __init__(self): self._owned = False raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def from_result(res, fn=None, args=None): try: res.contents except ValueError: return None cls = Node.get_subclass_map()[conf.lib.cmark_node_get_type(res)] ret = cls.__new__(cls) ret._node = res ret._owned = False return ret @classmethod def get_subclass_map(cls): if cls.__subclass_map: return cls.__subclass_map res = {c._node_type: c for c in cls.__subclasses__()} for c in cls.__subclasses__(): res.update(c.get_subclass_map()) return res def unlink(self): conf.lib.cmark_node_unlink(self._node) self._owned = True def append_child(self, child): res = conf.lib.cmark_node_append_child(self._node, child._node) if not res: raise LibcmarkError("Can't append child %s to node %s" % (str(child), str(self))) child._owned = False def prepend_child(self, child): res = conf.lib.cmark_node_prepend_child(self._node, child._node) if not res: raise LibcmarkError("Can't prepend child %s to node %s" % (str(child), str(self))) child._owned = False def insert_before(self, sibling): res = conf.lib.cmark_node_insert_before(self._node, sibling._node) if not res: raise LibcmarkError("Can't insert sibling %s before node %s" % (str(sibling), str(self))) sibling._owned = False def insert_after(self, sibling): res = conf.lib.cmark_node_insert_after(self._node, sibling._node) if not res: raise LibcmarkError("Can't insert sibling %s after node %s" % (str(sibling), str(self))) sibling._owned = False def consolidate_text_nodes(self): conf.lib.cmark_consolidate_text_nodes(self._node) def to_html(self, options=Parser.OPT_DEFAULT): return conf.lib.cmark_render_html(self._node, options) def to_xml(self, options=Parser.OPT_DEFAULT): return conf.lib.cmark_render_xml(self._node, options) def to_commonmark(self, options=Parser.OPT_DEFAULT, width=0): return conf.lib.cmark_render_commonmark(self._node, options, width) def to_man(self, options=Parser.OPT_DEFAULT, width=0): return conf.lib.cmark_render_man(self._node, options, width) def to_latex(self, options=Parser.OPT_DEFAULT, width=0): return conf.lib.cmark_render_latex(self._node, options, width) @property def first_child(self): return conf.lib.cmark_node_first_child(self._node) @property def last_child(self): return conf.lib.cmark_node_last_child(self._node) @property def next(self): return conf.lib.cmark_node_next(self._node) @property def previous(self): return conf.lib.cmark_node_previous(self._node) def __eq__(self, other): return self._node.contents.value == other._node.contents.value def __ne__(self, other): return self._node.contents.value != other._node.contents.value def __del__(self): if self._owned: conf.lib.cmark_node_free(self._node) def __iter__(self): cur = self.first_child while (cur): yield cur cur = class Literal(Node): _node_type = NodeType.NONE @property def literal(self): return conf.lib.cmark_node_get_literal(self._node) @literal.setter def literal(self, value): bytes_, _ = bytes_and_length(value) if not conf.lib.cmark_node_set_literal(self._node, bytes_): raise LibcmarkError("Invalid literal %s\n" % str(value)) class Document(Node): _node_type = NodeType.DOCUMENT def __init__(self): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True class BlockQuote(Node): _node_type = NodeType.BLOCK_QUOTE def __init__(self): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True class List(Node): _node_type = NodeType.LIST def __init__(self): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True @property def type(self): return conf.lib.cmark_node_get_list_type(self._node) @type.setter def type(self, type_): if not conf.lib.cmark_node_set_list_type(self._node, type_.value): raise LibcmarkError("Invalid type %s" % str(type_)) @property def delim(self): return conf.lib.cmark_node_get_list_delim(self._node) @delim.setter def delim(self, value): if value == '.': delim_type = 1 elif value == ')': delim_type = 2 else: raise LibcmarkError('Invalid delim type %s' % str(value)) conf.lib.cmark_node_set_list_delim(self._node, delim_type) @property def start(self): return conf.lib.cmark_node_get_list_start(self._node) @start.setter def start(self, value): if not conf.lib.cmark_node_set_list_start(self._node, value): raise LibcmarkError("Invalid list start %s\n" % str(value)) @property def tight(self): return conf.lib.cmark_node_get_list_tight(self._node) @tight.setter def tight(self, value): if value is True: tightness = 1 elif value is False: tightness = 0 else: raise LibcmarkError("Invalid list tightness %s\n" % str(value)) if not conf.lib.cmark_node_set_list_tight(self._node, tightness): raise LibcmarkError("Invalid list tightness %s\n" % str(value)) class Item(Node): _node_type = NodeType.ITEM def __init__(self): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True class CodeBlock(Literal): _node_type = NodeType.CODE_BLOCK def __init__(self, literal='', fence_info=''): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True self.literal = literal self.fence_info = fence_info @property def fence_info(self): return conf.lib.cmark_node_get_fence_info(self._node) @fence_info.setter def fence_info(self, value): bytes_, _ = bytes_and_length(value) if not conf.lib.cmark_node_set_fence_info(self._node, bytes_): raise LibcmarkError("Invalid fence info %s\n" % str(value)) class HtmlBlock(Literal): _node_type = NodeType.HTML_BLOCK def __init__(self, literal=''): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True self.literal = literal class CustomBlock(Node): _node_type = NodeType.CUSTOM_BLOCK def __init__(self): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True class Paragraph(Node): _node_type = NodeType.PARAGRAPH def __init__(self): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True class Heading(Node): _node_type = NodeType.HEADING def __init__(self, level=1): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self.level = level self._owned = True @property def level(self): return int(conf.lib.cmark_node_get_heading_level(self._node)) @level.setter def level(self, value): res = conf.lib.cmark_node_set_heading_level(self._node, value) if (res == 0): raise LibcmarkError("Invalid heading level %s" % str(value)) class ThematicBreak(Node): _node_type = NodeType.THEMATIC_BREAK def __init__(self): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True class Text(Literal): _node_type = NodeType.TEXT def __init__(self, literal=''): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True self.literal = literal class SoftBreak(Node): _node_type = NodeType.SOFTBREAK def __init__(self): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True class LineBreak(Node): _node_type = NodeType.LINEBREAK def __init__(self): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True class Code(Literal): _node_type = NodeType.CODE def __init__(self, literal=''): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True self.literal = literal class HtmlInline(Literal): _node_type = NodeType.HTML_INLINE def __init__(self, literal=''): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True self.literal = literal class CustomInline(Node): _node_type = NodeType.CUSTOM_INLINE def __init__(self): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True class Emph(Node): _node_type = NodeType.EMPH def __init__(self): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True class Strong(Node): _node_type = NodeType.STRONG def __init__(self): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True class Link(Node): _node_type = NodeType.LINK def __init__(self, url='', title=''): self._node = conf.lib.cmark_node_new(self.__class__._node_type.value) self._owned = True self.url = url self.title = title @property def url(self): return conf.lib.cmark_node_get_url(self._node) @url.setter def url(self, value): bytes_, _ = bytes_and_length(value) if not conf.lib.cmark_node_set_url(self._node, bytes_): raise LibcmarkError("Invalid url %s\n" % str(value)) @property def title(self): return conf.lib.cmark_node_get_title(self._node) @title.setter def title(self, value): bytes_, _ = bytes_and_length(value) if not conf.lib.cmark_node_set_title(self._node, bytes_): raise LibcmarkError("Invalid title %s\n" % str(value)) class Image(Link): _node_type = NodeType.IMAGE class ExtentType(BaseEnumeration): _kinds = [] _name_map = None ExtentType.NONE = ExtentType(0) ExtentType.OPENER = ExtentType(1) ExtentType.CLOSER = ExtentType(2) ExtentType.BLANK = ExtentType(3) ExtentType.CONTENT = ExtentType(4) ExtentType.PUNCTUATION = ExtentType(5) ExtentType.LINK_DESTINATION = ExtentType(6) ExtentType.LINK_TITLE = ExtentType(7) ExtentType.LINK_LABEL = ExtentType(8) ExtentType.REFERENCE_DESTINATION = ExtentType(9) ExtentType.REFERENCE_LABEL = ExtentType(10) ExtentType.REFERENCE_TITLE = ExtentType(11) class Extent(object): @staticmethod def from_result(res, fn=None, args=None): ret = Extent() ret._extent = res return ret @property def start(self): return conf.lib.cmark_source_extent_get_start(self._extent) @property def stop(self): return conf.lib.cmark_source_extent_get_stop(self._extent) @property def type(self): return conf.lib.cmark_source_extent_get_type(self._extent) @property def node(self): return conf.lib.cmark_source_extent_get_node(self._extent) class SourceMap(object): @staticmethod def from_result(res, fn, args): ret = SourceMap() ret._root = res return ret def __iter__(self): cur = self._root while (cur): yield Extent.from_result(cur) cur = conf.lib.cmark_source_extent_get_next(cur) def markdown_to_html(text, options=Parser.OPT_DEFAULT): bytes_, length = bytes_and_length(text) return conf.lib.cmark_markdown_to_html(bytes_, length, options) def parse_document(text, options=Parser.OPT_DEFAULT): bytes_, length = bytes_and_length(text) return conf.lib.cmark_parse_document(bytes_, length, options) functionList = [ ("cmark_default_mem_free", [c_void_p]), ("cmark_markdown_to_html", [c_char_p, c_long, c_int], owned_char_p, unicode_from_owned_char_p), ("cmark_parse_document", [c_char_p, c_long, c_int], c_object_p, Node.from_result), ("cmark_parser_new", [c_int], c_object_p), ("cmark_parser_free", [c_object_p]), ("cmark_parser_feed", [c_object_p, c_char_p, c_long]), ("cmark_parser_finish", [c_object_p], c_object_p, Node.from_result), ("cmark_parser_get_first_source_extent", [c_object_p], c_object_p, SourceMap.from_result), ("cmark_source_extent_get_next", [c_object_p], c_object_p), ("cmark_source_extent_get_start", [c_object_p], c_ulonglong), ("cmark_source_extent_get_stop", [c_object_p], c_ulonglong), ("cmark_source_extent_get_type", [c_object_p], c_int, ExtentType.from_id), ("cmark_source_extent_get_node", [c_object_p], c_object_p, Node.from_result), ("cmark_render_html", [c_object_p, c_int], owned_char_p, unicode_from_owned_char_p), ("cmark_render_xml", [c_object_p, c_int], owned_char_p, unicode_from_owned_char_p), ("cmark_render_commonmark", [c_object_p, c_int, c_int], owned_char_p, unicode_from_owned_char_p), ("cmark_render_man", [c_object_p, c_int, c_int], owned_char_p, unicode_from_owned_char_p), ("cmark_render_latex", [c_object_p, c_int, c_int], owned_char_p, unicode_from_owned_char_p), ("cmark_node_new", [c_int], c_object_p), ("cmark_node_free", [c_object_p]), ("cmark_node_get_type", [c_object_p], c_int, NodeType.from_id), ("cmark_node_first_child", [c_object_p], c_object_p, Node.from_result), ("cmark_node_last_child", [c_object_p], c_object_p, Node.from_result), ("cmark_node_next", [c_object_p], c_object_p, Node.from_result), ("cmark_node_previous", [c_object_p], c_object_p, Node.from_result), ("cmark_node_unlink", [c_object_p]), ("cmark_node_append_child", [c_object_p, c_object_p], c_int, boolean_from_result), ("cmark_node_prepend_child", [c_object_p, c_object_p], c_int, boolean_from_result), ("cmark_node_insert_before", [c_object_p, c_object_p], c_int, boolean_from_result), ("cmark_node_insert_after", [c_object_p, c_object_p], c_int, boolean_from_result), ("cmark_consolidate_text_nodes", [c_object_p]), ("cmark_node_get_literal", [c_object_p], c_char_p, unicode_from_char_p), ("cmark_node_set_literal", [c_object_p, c_char_p], c_int, boolean_from_result), ("cmark_node_get_heading_level", [c_object_p], c_int), ("cmark_node_set_heading_level", [c_object_p, c_int], c_int, boolean_from_result), ("cmark_node_get_list_type", [c_object_p], c_int, ListType.from_id), ("cmark_node_set_list_type", [c_object_p], c_int, boolean_from_result), ("cmark_node_get_list_delim", [c_object_p], c_int, delim_from_int), ("cmark_node_set_list_delim", [c_object_p, c_int], c_int), ("cmark_node_get_list_start", [c_object_p], c_int), ("cmark_node_set_list_start", [c_object_p, c_int], c_int, boolean_from_result), ("cmark_node_get_list_tight", [c_object_p], c_int, boolean_from_result), ("cmark_node_set_list_tight", [c_object_p, c_int], c_int, boolean_from_result), ("cmark_node_get_fence_info", [c_object_p], c_char_p, unicode_from_char_p), ("cmark_node_set_fence_info", [c_object_p, c_char_p], c_int, boolean_from_result), ("cmark_node_get_url", [c_object_p], c_char_p, unicode_from_char_p), ("cmark_node_set_url", [c_object_p, c_char_p], c_int, boolean_from_result), ("cmark_node_get_title", [c_object_p], c_char_p, unicode_from_char_p), ("cmark_node_set_title", [c_object_p, c_char_p], c_int, boolean_from_result), ] # Taken from clang.cindex def register_function(lib, item, ignore_errors): # A function may not exist, if these bindings are used with an older or # incompatible version of try: func = getattr(lib, item[0]) except AttributeError as e: msg = str(e) + ". Please ensure that your python bindings are "\ "compatible with your libcmark version." if ignore_errors: return raise LibcmarkError(msg) if len(item) >= 2: func.argtypes = item[1] if len(item) >= 3: func.restype = item[2] if len(item) == 4: func.errcheck = item[3] def register_functions(lib, ignore_errors): """Register function prototypes with a libccmark library instance. This must be called as part of library instantiation so Python knows how to call out to the shared library. """ def register(item): return register_function(lib, item, ignore_errors) for f in functionList: register(f) class Config: library_path = None library_file = None compatibility_check = True loaded = False lib_ = None @staticmethod def set_library_path(path): """Set the path in which to search for libcmark""" if Config.loaded: raise Exception("library path must be set before before using " \ "any other functionalities in libcmark.") Config.library_path = path @staticmethod def set_library_file(filename): """Set the exact location of libcmark""" if Config.loaded: raise Exception("library file must be set before before using " \ "any other functionalities in libcmark.") Config.library_file = filename @staticmethod def set_compatibility_check(check_status): """ Perform compatibility check when loading libcmark The python bindings are only tested and evaluated with the version of libcmark they are provided with. To ensure correct behavior a (limited) compatibility check is performed when loading the bindings. This check will throw an exception, as soon as it fails. In case these bindings are used with an older version of libcmark, parts that have been stable between releases may still work. Users of the python bindings can disable the compatibility check. This will cause the python bindings to load, even though they are written for a newer version of libcmark. Failures now arise if unsupported or incompatible features are accessed. The user is required to test themselves if the features they are using are available and compatible between different libcmark versions. """ if Config.loaded: raise Exception("compatibility_check must be set before before " \ "using any other functionalities in libcmark.") Config.compatibility_check = check_status @property def lib(self): if self.lib_: return self.lib_ lib = self.get_cmark_library() register_functions(lib, not Config.compatibility_check) Config.loaded = True self.lib_ = lib return lib def get_filename(self): if Config.library_file: return Config.library_file import platform name = platform.system() if name == 'Darwin': file = 'libcmark.dylib' elif name == 'Windows': file = 'cmark.dll' else: file = '' if Config.library_path: file = Config.library_path + '/' + file return file def get_cmark_library(self): try: library = cdll.LoadLibrary(self.get_filename()) except OSError as e: msg = str(e) + "(%s). To provide a path to libcmark use " \ "Config.set_library_path() or " \ "Config.set_library_file()." % self.get_filename() raise LibcmarkError(msg) return library def function_exists(self, name): try: getattr(self.lib, name) except AttributeError: return False return True conf = Config() __alla__ = [ 'Parser', 'LibcmarkError', 'NodeType', 'ListType', 'Node', 'Document', 'BlockQuote', 'List', 'Item', 'CodeBlock', 'HtmlBlock', 'CustomBlock', 'Paragraph', 'Heading', 'ThematicBreak', 'Text', 'SoftBreak', 'LineBreak', 'Code', 'HtmlInline', 'CustomInline', 'Emph', 'Strong', 'Link', 'Image', 'ExtentType', 'Extent', 'SourceMap', 'markdown_to_html', 'parse_document', 'Config', 'conf' ]