NAME - create a multiplex cartography diagram.

SYNOPSYS <node_deg_vectors>


Compute and print on output the total degree and the multiplex participation coefficient of all the nodes of a multiplex network whose list of node degree vectors is provided as input. The input file is in the format:

  IDn_deg1 IDn_deg_2 ... IDn_degM

where IDn_degX is the degree of node n at layer X. The input file can be generated using the script


The program prints on stdout a list of lines in the format:

  tot_deg part_coeff

where tot_deg is the total degree of the node and part_coeff is the corresponding participation coefficient.

As usual, node IDs start from zero and proceed sequentially, without gaps, so if one of the lines in the input files contains just zeros, the program considers the corresponding node as being isolated on all the layers, and both its total degree and multiplex participation coefficient are set equal to zero.


F. Battiston, V. Nicosia, V. Latora, “Structural measures for multiplex networks”, Phys. Rev. E 89, 032804 (2014).

Link to paper: