\myprogram{{tune\_rho}} {Construct a multiplex with prescribed inter-layer correlations.} {$<$rank1$>$ $<$rank2$>$ $<$rho$>$ $<$eps$>$ $<$beta$>$ [RND|NAT|INV]} \mydescription{This programs tunes the inter-layer degree correlation coefficient $\rho$ (Spearman's rank correlation) of two layers, by adjusting the inter-layer pairing of nodes. The files \textit{rank1} and \textit{rank2} are the rankings of nodes in the first and second layer, where the n-th line of the file contains the rank of the n-th node (the highest ranked node has rank equal to 1). The parameter \textit{rho} is the desired value of the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, while \textit{eps} is the accuracy of \textit{rho}. For instance, if \textit{rho} is set equal to -0.25 and \textit{eps} is equal to 0.0001, the program stops when the configuration of node pairing corresponds to a value of $\rho$ which differs from -0.25 by less than 0.0001. The parameter \textit{beta} is the typical inverse temperature of simulated annealing. If no other parameter is specified, or if the last parameter is \texttt{RND}, the program starts from a random pairing of nodes. If the last parameter is \texttt{NAT} then the program assumes that the initial pairing is the natural one, where the nodes have the same ID on both layers. Finally, if \texttt{INV} is specified, the initial pairing is the inverse pairing, i.e. the one where node 0 on layer 1 is paired with node N-1 on layer 2, and so on. } \myreturn{The program prints on \texttt{stdout} a pairing, i.e. a list of lines in the format: \hspace{0.5cm} \textit{IDL1 IDL2} where \textit{IDL1} is the ID of the node on layer 1 and \textit{IDL2} is the corresponding ID of the same node on layer 2. } \myreference{\refcorrelations}