\myprogram{{nibilab\_linear\_random\_times}} {Multiplex linear preferential attachment model -- Asynchronous arrival with randomly sampled arrival times on layer 2.} {$<$N$>$ $<$m$>$ $<$m0$>$ $<$outfile$>$ $<$a$>$ $<$b$>$ $<$c$>$ $<$d$>$ } \mydescription{Grow a two-layer multiplex network using the multiplex linear preferential attachment model by Nicosia, Bianconi, Latora, Barthelemy (NiBiLaB). The probability for a newly arrived node $i$ to create a link to node $j$ on layer $1$ is: \begin{equation*} \Pi_{i\to j}^{1} \propto ak\lay{1}_j + bk\lay{2}_j \end{equation*} and the dual probability for $i$ to create a link to $j$ on layer $2$ is: \begin{equation*} \Pi_{i\to j}^{2} \propto ck\lay{1}_j + dk\lay{2}_j \end{equation*} Each new node arrives on layer $1$, but its replica on the other layer appears at a uniformly chosen random time in $[m0+1; N]$. The (mandatory) parameters are as follows: \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{N} number of nodes in the final graph \item \textbf{m} number of new edges brought by each new node \item \textbf{m0} number of nodes in the initial seed graph. \textit{m0} must be larger than of equal to \textit{m}. \item \textbf{outfile} the name of the file which will contain the \item \textbf{a,b,c,d} the coefficients of the attaching probability function \end{itemize} } \myreturn{The program dumps on the file \texttt{outfile} the (undirected) edge list of the resulting network. Each line of the file is in the format: \hspace{0.5cm}\textit{src\_ID} \textit{dest\_ID} where \textit{src\_ID} and \textit{dest\_ID} are the IDs of the two endpoints of an edge. } \myreference{\refgrowth}