\myprogram{{model\_MDM.py}} {Multi-activity Deterministic Model.} {$<$Bi\_file$>$ $<$M$>$} \mydescription{This is the Multi-activity Deterministic Model (MDM). In this model each node $i$ is considered active if it was active in the reference multiplex, maintains the same value of node activity $B_i$ (i.e., the number of layers in which it was active) and is associated an activity vector sampled uniformly at random from the $M\choose{B_i}$ possible activity vectors with $B_i$ non-null entries. The file \textit{Bi\_file} is in the format: \hspace{0.5cm} \textit{Bi N(Bi)} where \textit{Bi} is a value of node activity and \textit{N(Bi)} is the number of nodes which had node activity equaly to \textit{Bi} in the reference multiplex. The parameter \textit{M} is the number of layers in the multiplex. } \myreturn{The program prints on \texttt{stdout} a distribution of bit-strings, in the format: \hspace{0.5cm} \textit{Bi bitstring count} where \textit{bitstring} is the activity bitstring, \textit{Bi} is the number of non-zero entries of \textit{bitstring} and \textit{count} is the number of times that \textit{bitstrings} appear in the null model.} \myreference{\refcorrelations}