\myprogram{{model\_hypergeometric.py}} {Hypergeometric node activity null model.} {$<$layer\_N\_file$>$ $<$N$>$} \mydescription{This is the hypergeometric model of node activation. In this model each layer has exactly the same number of active node of a reference multiplex network, but nodes on each layer are activated uniformly at random, thus destroying all inter-layer activity correlation patterns. The file \textit{layer\_N\_file} reports on the n-th line the number of active nodes on the n-th layer (starting from zero). The second parameter \textit{N} is the total number of active nodes in the multiplex. } \myreturn{The program prints on \texttt{stdout} a node-layer list of lines in the format: \hspace{0.5cm} \textit{node\_i layer\_i} where \textit{node\_i} is the ID of a node and \textit{layre\_i} is the ID of a layer. This list indicates which nodes are active in which layer. For instance, the line: \hspace{0.5cm} \textit{24 3} indicates that the node with ID \textit{24} is active on layer \textit{3}. } \myreference{\refcorrelations}