\myprogram{{node\_activity\_vectors.py}} {compute the activity vectors of all the nodes of a multiplex.} {$<$layer1$>$ [$<$layer2$>$ ...]} \mydescription{Compute and print on output the activity vectors of the nodes of a multiplex network, whose layers are given as input in the files \textit{layer1}, \textit{layer2}, etc. Each input file contains the (undirected) edge list of a layer, and each line is in the format: \hspace{0.5cm}\textit{src\_ID} \textit{dest\_ID} where \textit{src\_ID} and \textit{dest\_ID} are the IDs of the two endpoints of an edge.} \myreturn{The program prints on \texttt{stdout} a list of lines, where the n-th line contains the activity vector of the n-th node, i.e. a bit-string where each bit is set to ``1'' if the node is active on the corresponding layer, and to ``0'' otherwise. \noindent As usual, node IDs start from zero and proceed sequentially, without gaps, i.e., if a node ID is not present in any of the layer files given as input, the program considers it as being isolated on all the layers, and will print on output a bit-string of zeros.} \myreference{\refcorrelations}