\myprogram{{compute\_pearson.py}} {compute the Pearson's linear correlation coefficient between two node properties.} {$<$file1$>$ $<$file2$>$} \mydescription{Compute the Pearson's linear correlation coefficient between two sets of (either integer- or real-valued) node properties provided in the input files \textit{file1} and \textit{file2}. Each input file contains a list of lines, where the n-th line contains the value of a node property for the n-th node. For instance, \textit{file1} and \textit{file2} might contain the degrees of nodes at two distinct layers of a multiplex. However, the program is pretty general and can be used to compute the Pearson's correlation coeffcient between any pairs of node properties. } \myreturn{The program prints on \texttt{stdout} the value of the Pearson's linear correlation coefficient between the two sets of node properties. } \myreference{\refcorrelations \refgrowth \refnonlinear }