M\myprogram{{dump\_k\_q}} {compute the degree sequences of two layers of a multiplex.} {$<$layer1$>$ $<$layer2$>$ $<$pairing$>$} \mydescription{Compute and dump on \texttt{stdout} the degree sequences of two layers of a multiplex. The input files \textit{layer1} and \textit{layer2} contain the (undirected) edge lists of the two layers, and each line is in the format: \hspace{0.5cm}\textit{src\_ID} \textit{dest\_ID} where \textit{src\_ID} and \textit{dest\_ID} are the IDs of the two endpoints of an edge. The third file \textit{pairing} is a list of lines in the format: \hspace{0.5cm} \textit{IDL1 IDL2} where \textit{IDL1} is the ID of a node on layer $1$ and \textit{IDL2} is the ID of the same node on layer $2$. For instance, the line: \hspace{0.5cm} \textit{5 27} indicates that node $5$ on layer $1$ has ID $27$ on layer $2$. } \myreturn{The program prints on \texttt{stdout} the degree of each node on the two layers, in the format: \hspace{0.5cm} \textit{ki qi} where \textit{ki} is the degree of node \textit{i} on layer $1$ and \textit{qi} is the degree of node \textit{i} on layer $2$.} \myreference{\refcorrelations \refgrowth \refnonlinear }