\myprogram{{knn\_q\_from\_layers.py}} {compute intra-layer and inter-layer degree-degree correlation coefficients.} {$<$layer1$>$ $<$layer2$>$} \mydescription{Compute the intra-layer and the inter-layer degree correlation functions for two layers given as input. The intra-layer degree correlation function quantifies the presence of degree-degree correlations in a single layer network, and is defined as: \begin{equation*} \avg{k_{nn}(k)} = \frac{1}{k N_k}\sum_{k'}k'P(k'|k) \end{equation*} where $P(k'|k)$ is the probability that a neighbour of a node with degree $k$ has degree $k'$, and $N_k$ is the number of nodes with degree $k$. The quantity $\avg{k_{nn}(k)}$ is the average degree of the neighbours of nodes having degree equal to $k$. If we consider two layers of a multiplex, and we denote by $k$ the degree of a node on the first layer and by $q$ the degree of the same node on the second layers, the inter-layer degree correlation function is defined as \begin{equation*} \overline{k}(q) = \sum_{k'} k' P(k'|q) \end{equation*} where $P(k'|q)$ is the probability that a node with degree $q$ on the second layer has degree equal to $k'$ on the first layer, and $N_q$ is the number of nodes with degree $q$ on the second layer. The quantity $\overline{k}(q)$ is the expected degree at layer $1$ of node that have degree equal to $q$ on layer $2$. The dual quantity: \begin{equation*} \overline{q}(k) = \sum_{q'} q' P(q'|k) \end{equation*} is the average degree on layer $2$ of nodes having degree $k$ on layer $1$. } \myreturn{The program creates two output files, respectively called \hspace{0.5cm} \textit{file1\_file2\_k1} and \hspace{0.5cm} \textit{file1\_file2\_k2} The first file contains a list of lines in the format: \hspace{0.5cm} \textit{k $\avg{k_{nn}(k)}$ $\sigma_k$ $\overline{q}(k)$ $\sigma_{\overline{q}}$} where $k$ is the degree at first layer, $\avg{k_{nn}(k)}$ is the average degree of the neighbours at layer $1$ of nodes having degree $k$ at layer $1$, $\sigma_k$ is the standard deviation associated to $\avg{k_{nn}(k)}$, $\overline{q}(k)$ is the average degree at layer $2$ of nodes having degree equal to $k$ at layer $1$, and $\sigma_{\overline{q}}$ is the standard deviation associated to $\overline{q}(k)$. The second file contains a similar list of lines, in the format: \hspace{0.5cm} \textit{q $\avg{q_{nn}(q)}$ $\sigma_q$ $\overline{k}(q)$ $\sigma_{\overline{k}}$} with obvious meaning. } \myreference{\refcorrelations \refgrowth \refnonlinear }