\myprogram{{rank\_nodes\_thresh.py}} {rank the nodes of a layer whose value of a given structural descriptor is above a threshold.} {$<$prop\_file$>$ $<$thresh$>$} \mydescription{Get a file as input, whose n-th line corresponds to the value of a certain property of the n-th node, and rank the nodes according to that property, taking into account ranking ties properly. The rank of all the nodes whose value of the structural descriptor is smaller than the threshold \textit{thresh} specified as second parameter is set to \textbf{0} (ZERO). } \myreturn{The program prints on \texttt{stdout} a list of lines, where the n-th line contains the rank of the n-th node corresponding to the values of the structural descriptor provided in the input file, or zero if such desxriptor is below the specified threshold \textit{thresh}.} \myreference{\refcorrelations}