------------------------------- Noordin Top Terrorist Network ------------------------------- This is the 4-layer multiplex networks of terrorist relationships mentioned in: N. Roberts, S. F. Everton, Roberts and Everton "Terrorist Data: Noordin Top Terrorist Network" (Subset) (2011). The four layers represent, respectively, communications, financial, operation and trust relatioships among a group of 78 terrorists. You can test multired on this data set by using, e.g., : python simple_test.py file_list If you use this data set in a research work, please cite that paper. Please also consider that an exhaustive multi-layer analysis of this network has been performed in: F. Battiston, V. Nicosia, V. Latora, "Structural measures for multiplex networks", Phys. Rev. E 89, 032804 (2014).