phrollo: a phlogroll in a shellscript ============================================= `phrollo` is a simple tool to manage a phlog roll. It uses a simple configuration file and outputs the relevant selectors to be added to a gophermap. The list of selectors of updated phlogs is sorted in decreasing order of update time (meaning that more recent updates appear at the top of the list). `phrollo` also outputs an updaterd config file, to be used for future calls. `phrollo` detects updates by using `shasum -a 256`, i.e. by computing a hash of the resource and comparing it with the hash obtained when the resource was last seen. Usage =========== 1) ``` ./phrollo status.txt ``` In this case, `phrollo` will put a new config file in ``, and output the sorted list of gopher selectors. The config file received on input will also be saved in `status.txt.bak`. 2) ``` cat config.txt | ./phrollo ``` In this case, the new config file will be put in `phrollo.out`, and output the sorted list of gopher selectors. IMPORTANT: The next time `phrollo` is run, it must be given the last config file generated. Configuration file ======================== The format of the `phrollo` config file is as follows: DATE \t DESCRIPTION \t URI \t HOST \t PORT \t SHASUM where: - DATE: is the last time the phlog was updated, or an empty string for a new phlog; - DESCRIPTION: is the description of the phlog (e.g., the name of the author) - URI: is the path of the phlog - HOST: well, the host - PORT: normally 70 - SHASUM: the shasum of the phlog at the time of the latest change, or an empty string for a new phlog Example ============= Let us construct an initial `phrollo` config file containing all the phlogs we would like to follow. Since `phrollo` has never seen any of those phlogs, both DATE and SHASUM will be ignored. We will indicated them with a "-" dash. Notice that fields are separated by actual TABs: ``` - Slugmax /~slugmax/cgi-bin/slerm 70 - - RPDO /Phlog 70 - - Alex Shroeder / 70 - - Solderpunk /~solderpunk/phlog 70 - - Tomasino /phlog 70 - - KatolaZ /~katolaz/phlog 70 - ``` Now we can feed this file to `phrollo` to get: ``` 1(20190126) Alex Shroeder / 70 1(20190126) KatolaZ /~katolaz/phlog 70 1(20190126) RPDO /Phlog 70 1(20190126) Slugmax /~slugmax/cgi-bin/slerm 70 1(20190126) Solderpunk /~solderpunk/phlog 70 1(20190126) Tomasino /phlog 70 ``` which is a list of selectors corresponding to the phlogs specified in the config file. Moreover, `phrollo` will also create the updated config file `phrollo.out`: ``` 20190126 Tomasino /phlog 70 bd141abfc29522e3e2b5d00f1a656212201ae5def60de90a7ce847cddeb6d0db 20190126 Solderpunk /~solderpunk/phlog 70 4df8feff5237db12a4fb1c43d95f254dc26b0e35e3b008d53cc5004ad2c6acb9 20190126 Slugmax /~slugmax/cgi-bin/slerm 70 bfd0e14e2c5b08fff6b968804dd253e488c5e0bfd9d80cec4ca7599928fac53f 20190126 RPDO /Phlog 70 d61e34dfc71a10f5b45c6ccf7f6d96e4f976832efdd179e71a0981695b317dc9 20190126 KatolaZ /~katolaz/phlog 70 af9b99199b344b027addeb09ba71621123bf799605b6190a65be145221bcefde 20190126 Alex Shroeder / 70 36d66161d096c5c729a6433c411fad9da978931cdfab40e9bd57787aa0e0b1f6 ``` Then, we can run `phrollo` again using the latest updated config file (i.e., `phrollo.out`) to detect updates.