# scorsh Signed-Commit Remote Shell **scorsh** lets you trigger commands on a remote git server through signed git commits. **scorsh** is written in Go. **This is still work-in-progress, not ready to be used yet** ## WTF ...if you have ever felt that git hooks fall too short to your standards... ...because you would like each specific push event to trigger _something different_ on the git repo... ...and you want only authorised users to be able to trigger that _something_... ...then **scorsh** might be what you have been looking for. **scorsh** is a simple system to execute commands on a remote host by using GPG-signed commits containing customisable commands (scorsh-tags). **scorsh** consists of two components: * a `post-receive` git hook * the `scorsh` binary itself For each new push event, the `post-receive` hook creates a file in a configurable spool directory, containing information about the repo, branch, and commits of the push. The `scorsh` binary processes inotify events from the spool, parses each new file there, walks through the new commits looking for signed ones, checks if the message of a signed commit contains a recognised scorsh-tag, verifies that the user who signed the message is allowed to use that scorsh-tag, and executes the commands associated to the scorsh-tag. Or, well, this is what `scorsh` should be able to do when it's finished ;-) The set of scorsh-tags accepted on a repo/branch is configurable, and each scorsh-tag can be associated to a list of commands. Commands are just URLs, at the moment restricted to two possible types: * `file://path/to/file` - in this case `scorsh` tries to execute the corresponding file (useful to execute scripts) * `http://myserver.com/where/you/like` - in this case `scorsh` makes an HTTP request to the specified URL (useful to trigger other actions, e.g., Jenkins or Travis builds...) ## Build notes **scorsh** depends from the availability of a native build of `libgit2` version `0.25` or greater on the native system where ***scorsh** is built. This dependencies is easily satisfied on various operating systems by using their respective package manager. For instance in Devuan ASCII one can simply do: ``` sudo apt install libgit2-dev ``` In Devuan Jessie unfortunately `libgit2` is older than `0.25` so one should first build `git2go` from its repository, in which `libgit2` is a submodule to be built from scratch. ``` git clone https://github.com/libgit2/git2go cd git2go git submodule init git submodule update cd libgit2 cmake . make sudo make install ``` Then proceed installing dependencies for **scorsh**: ``` make deps ``` And finally build its binary: ``` make ```