package main import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "log" "os" "strings" // "log" ) func CommitToString(commit *git.Commit) string { var ret string ret += fmt.Sprintf("type: %s\n", commit.Type()) ret += fmt.Sprintf("Id: %s\n", commit.Id()) ret += fmt.Sprintf("Author: %s\n", commit.Author()) ret += fmt.Sprintf("Message: %s\n", commit.Message()) ret += fmt.Sprintf("Parent-count: %d\n", commit.ParentCount()) return ret } // FIXME: RETURN THE ENTITY PROVIDED BY THE CHECK, OR nil func check_signature(commit *git.Commit, keyring *openpgp.KeyRing) (signature, signed string, err error) { signature, signed, err = commit.ExtractSignature() if err == nil { _, err_sig := openpgp.CheckArmoredDetachedSignature(*keyring, strings.NewReader(signed), strings.NewReader(signature)) if err_sig == nil { fmt.Printf("Good signature \n") return signature, signed, nil } err = err_sig } return "", "", err } func find_scorsh_message(commit *git.Commit) (string, error) { sep := "---\n" msg := commit.RawMessage() debug.log("[find_scorsg_msg] found message:\n %s\n", msg) // FIXME!!! replace the following with a proper regexp.Match idx := strings.Index(msg, sep) return msg[idx:], nil } // return a list of keyring names which verify the signature of this commit func get_valid_keys(commit *git.Commit, keys *map[string]openpgp.KeyRing) []string { var ret []string for k_name, k_val := range *keys { _, _, err := check_signature(commit, &k_val) if err == nil { ret = append(ret, k_name) } } return ret } func exec_tag(tag SCORSHtag, valid_keys []string) error { return nil } // traverse all the commits between two references, looking for scorsh // commands // fixme: we don't have just one keyring here.... func walk_commits(msg SCORSHmsg, w *SCORSHworker) error { var tags SCORSHclient_msg var commit_msg string fmt.Printf("Inside parse_commits\n") reponame := msg.Repo old_rev := msg.Old_rev new_rev := msg.New_rev repo, err := git.OpenRepository(reponame) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error while opening repository %s (%s)\n", reponame, err) return SCORSHerr(SCORSH_ERR_NO_REPO) } old_rev_oid, err := git.NewOid(old_rev) oldrev_commit, err := repo.LookupCommit(old_rev_oid) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Commit: %s does not exist\n", old_rev) return SCORSHerr(SCORSH_ERR_NO_COMMIT) } new_rev_oid, err := git.NewOid(new_rev) newrev_commit, err := repo.LookupCommit(new_rev_oid) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Commit: %s does not exist\n", new_rev) return SCORSHerr(SCORSH_ERR_NO_COMMIT) } cur_commit := newrev_commit for cur_commit.Id().String() != oldrev_commit.Id().String() { commit, err := repo.LookupCommit(cur_commit.Id()) if err == nil { //debug.log("commit: %s", CommitToString(commit)) // We should look for scorsh-tags, and if the commit has any, // check if it can be verified by any of the keyrings associated // with that specific scorsh-tag // check if the commit contains a scorsh command commit_msg, err = find_scorsh_message(commit) if err != nil { log.Printf("[worker: %s] %s\n", w.Name, SCORSHerr(SCORSH_ERR_SIGNATURE)) } // Check if is the comment contains a valid scorsh message err = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(commit_msg), &tags) if err != nil { // no scorsh message found log.Printf("[worker: %s] no scorsh message found: %s", err) } else { // there is a scorsh message there so // 1) get the list of all the keys which verify the message valid_keys := get_valid_keys(commit, &(w.Keys)) debug.log("validated keyrings on commit: %s\n", valid_keys) // 2) Try to execute each of the tag included in the message for _, t := range tags.Tags { err = exec_tag(t, valid_keys) if err != nil { log.Printf("[worker: %s] unable to execute tag: %s : %s", w.Name, t.Tag, err) } else { log.Printf("[worker: %s] tag %s executed\n", w.Name, t.Tag) } } } //signature, signed, err := check_signature(commit, &w.Keys) //_, _, err := check_signature(commit, w.keys) cur_commit = commit.Parent(0) } else { fmt.Printf("Commit %x not found!\n", cur_commit.Id()) return SCORSHerr(SCORSH_ERR_NO_COMMIT) } } return nil }