\myprogram{{rank\_occurrence.py}} {compute the intersection of two rankings.} {$<$rank1$>$ $<$rank2$>$ $<$increment$>$} \mydescription{Get two rankings \textit{rank1} and \textit{rank2} and compute the size of the \textit{k}-intersection, i.e. the number of elements which are present in the first k positions of both rankings, as a function of \textit{k}. The parameter \textit{increment} determines the distance between two subsequent values of \textit{k}. Each input file is a list of node IDs, one per line, where the first line contains the ID of the highest ranked node. } \myreturn{The program prints on \texttt{stdout} a list of lines in the format: \hspace{0.5cm} \textit{k num\_k} where \textit{num\_k} is the number of nodes which are present in the first \textit{k} positions of both rankings.} \myreference{\refcorrelations}