1. fitmle(1)
  2. www.complex-networks.net
  3. fitmle(1)


fitmle - Fit a set of values with a power-law distribution


fitmle data_in [tol [TEST [num_test]]]


fitmle fits the data points contained in the file data_in with a power-law function P(k) ~ k-gamma, using the Maximum-Likelihood Estimator (MLE). In particular, fitmle finds the exponent gamma and the minimum of the values provided on input for which the power-law behaviour holds. The second (optional) argument tol sets the acceptable statistical error on the estimate of the exponent.

If TEST is provided, the program associates a p-value to the goodness of the fit, based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics computed on num_test sampled distributions from the theoretical power-law function. If num_test is not provided, the test is based on 100 sampled distributions.



Set of values to fit. If is equal to - (dash), read the set from STDIN.


The acceptable statistical error on the estimation of the exponent. If omitted, it is set to 0.1.


If the third parameter is TEST, the program computes an estimate of the p-value associated to the best-fit, based on num_test synthetic samples of the same size of the input set.


Number of synthetic samples to use for the estimation of the p-value of the best fit.


If fitmle is given less than three parameters (i.e., if TEST is not specified), the output is a line in the format:

    gamma k_min ks

where gamma is the estimate for the exponent, k_min is the smallest of the input values for which the power-law behaviour holds, and ks is the value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics of the best-fit.

If TEST is specified, the output line contains also the estimate of the p-value of the best fit:

    gamma k_min ks p-value

where p-value is based on num_test samples (or just 100, if num_test is not specified) of the same size of the input, obtained from the theoretical power-law function computed as a best fit.


Let us assume that the file AS-20010316.net_degs contains the degree sequence of the data set AS-20010316.net (the graph of the Internet at the AS level in March 2001). The exponent of the best-fit power-law distribution can be obtained by using:

    $ fitmle AS-20010316.net_degs 
    Using discrete fit
    2.06165 6 0.031626 0.17

where 2.06165 is the estimated value of the exponent gamma, 6 is the minimum degree value for which the power-law behaviour holds, and 0.031626 is the value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics of the best-fit. The program is also telling us that it decided to use the discrete fitting procedure, since all the values in AS-20010316.net_degs are integers. The latter information is printed to STDERR.

It is possible to compute the p-value of the estimate by running:

    $ fitmle AS-20010316.net_degs 0.1 TEST
    Using discrete fit
    2.06165 6 0.031626 0.17

which provides a p-value equal to 0.17, meaning that 17% of the synthetic samples showed a value of the KS statistics larger than that of the best-fit. The estimation of the p-value here is based on 100 synthetic samples, since num_test was not provided. If we allow a slightly larger value of the statistical error on the estimate of the exponent gamma, we obtain different values of gamma and k_min, and a much higher p-value:

    $ fitmle AS-20010316.net_degs 0.15 TEST 1000
    Using discrete fit
    2.0585 19 0.0253754 0.924

Notice that in this case, the p-value of the estimate is equal to 0.924, and is based on 1000 synthetic samples.


deg_seq(1), power_law(1)



(c) Vincenzo 'KatolaZ' Nicosia 2009-2017 <v.nicosia@qmul.ac.uk>.

  1. www.complex-networks.net
  2. September 2017
  3. fitmle(1)