path: root/test
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1 files changed, 157 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/test/spec.txt b/test/spec.txt
index 0f62a54..9b5e9dc 100644
--- a/test/spec.txt
+++ b/test/spec.txt
@@ -2715,7 +2715,7 @@ So, we explain what counts as a block quote or list item by explaining
how these can be *generated* from their contents. This should suffice
to define the syntax, although it does not give a recipe for *parsing*
these constructions. (A recipe is provided below in the section entitled
-[A parsing strategy](#appendix-a-a-parsing-strategy).)
+[A parsing strategy](#appendix-a-parsing-strategy).)
## Block quotes
@@ -7940,7 +7940,10 @@ Multiple spaces
<!-- END TESTS -->
-# Appendix A: A parsing strategy {-}
+# Appendix: A parsing strategy {-}
+In this appendix we describe some features of the parsing strategy
+used in the CommonMark reference implementations.
## Overview {-}
@@ -7957,8 +7960,6 @@ are parsed into sequences of Markdown inline elements (strings,
code spans, links, emphasis, and so on), using the map of link
references constructed in phase 1.
-## The document tree {-}
At each point in processing, the document is represented as a tree of
**blocks**. The root of the tree is a `document` block. The `document`
may have any number of other blocks as **children**. These children
@@ -7982,7 +7983,7 @@ marked by arrows:
"aliquando id"
-## How source lines alter the document tree {-}
+## Phase 1: block structure {-}
Each line that is processed has an effect on this tree. The line is
analyzed and, depending on its contents, the document may be altered
@@ -7997,6 +7998,36 @@ in one or more of the following ways:
Once a line has been incorporated into the tree in this way,
it can be discarded, so input can be read in a stream.
+For each line, we follow this procedure:
+1. First we iterate through the open blocks, starting with the
+root document, and descending through last children down to the last
+open block. Each block imposes a condition that the line must satisfy
+if the block is to remain open. For example, a block quote requires a
+`>` character. A paragraph requires a non-blank line.
+In this phase we may match all or just some of the open
+blocks. But we cannot close unmatched blocks yet, because we may have a
+[lazy continuation line].
+2. Next, after consuming the continuation markers for existing
+blocks, we look for new block starts (e.g. `>` for a block quote.
+If we encounter a new block start, we close any blocks unmatched
+in step 1 before creating the new block as a child of the last
+matched block.
+3. Finally, we look at the remainder of the line (after block
+markers like `>`, list markers, and indentation have been consumed).
+This is text that can be incorporated into the last open
+block (a paragraph, code block, header, or raw HTML).
+Setext headers are formed when we detect that the second line of
+a paragraph is a setext header line.
+Reference link definitions are detected when a paragraph is closed;
+the accumulated text lines are parsed to see if they begin with
+one or more reference link definitions. Any remainder becomes a
+normal paragraph.
We can see how this works by considering how the tree above is
generated by four lines of Markdown:
@@ -8094,7 +8125,7 @@ We thus obtain the final tree:
"aliquando id"
-## From block structure to the final document {-}
+## Phase 2: inline structure {-}
Once all of the input has been parsed, all open blocks are closed.
@@ -8125,5 +8156,123 @@ Notice how the [line ending] in the first paragraph has
been parsed as a `softbreak`, and the asterisks in the first list item
have become an `emph`.
-The document can be rendered as HTML, or in any other format, given
-an appropriate renderer.
+### An algorithm for parsing nested emphasis and links {-}
+By far the trickiest part of inline parsing is handling emphasis,
+strong emphasis, links, and images. This is done using the following
+When we're parsing inlines and we hit either
+- a run of `*` or `_` characters, or
+- a `[` or `![`
+we insert a text node with these symbols as its literal content, and we
+add a pointer to this text node to the [delimiter stack](@delimiter-stack).
+The [delimiter stack] is a doubly linked list. Each
+element contains a pointer to a text node, plus information about
+- the type of delimiter (`[`, `![`, `*`, `_`)
+- the number of delimiters,
+- whether the delimiter is "active" (all are active to start), and
+- whether the delimiter is a potential opener, a potential closer,
+ or both (which depends on what sort of characters precede
+ and follow the delimiters).
+When we hit a `]` character, we call the *look for link or image*
+procedure (see below).
+When we hit the end of the input, we call the *process emphasis*
+procedure (see below), with `stack_bottom` = NULL.
+#### *look for link or image* {-}
+Starting at the top of the delimiter stack, we look backwards
+through the stack for an opening `[` or `![` delimiter.
+- If we don't find one, we return a literal text node `]`.
+- If we do find one, but it's not *active*, we remove the inactive
+ delimiter from the stack, and return a literal text node `]`.
+- If we find one and it's active, then we parse ahead to see if
+ we have an inline link/image, reference link/image, compact reference
+ link/image, or shortcut reference link/image.
+ + If we don't, then we remove the opening delimiter from the
+ delimiter stack and return a literal text node `]`.
+ + If we do, then
+ * We return a link or image node whose children are the inlines
+ after the text node pointed to by the opening delimiter.
+ * We run *process emphasis* on these inlines, with the `[` opener
+ as `stack_bottom`.
+ * We remove the opening delimiter.
+ * If we have a link (and not an image), we also set all
+ `[` delimiters before the opening delimiter to *inactive*. (This
+ will prevent us from getting links within links.)
+#### *process emphasis* {-}
+Parameter `stack_bottom` sets a lower bound to how far we
+descend in the [delimiter stack]. If it is NULL, we can
+go all the way to the bottom. Otherwise, we stop before
+visiting `stack_bottom`.
+Let `current_position` point to the element on the [delimiter stack]
+just above `stack_bottom` (or the first element if `stack_bottom`
+is NULL).
+We keep track of the `openers_bottom` for each delimiter
+type (`*`, `_`). Initialize this to `stack_bottom`.
+Then we repeat the following until we run out of potential
+- Move `current_position` forward in the delimiter stack (if needed)
+ until we find the first potential closer with delimiter `*` or `_`.
+ (This will be the potential closer closest
+ to the beginning of the input -- the first one in parse order.)
+- Now, look back in the stack (staying above `stack_bottom` and
+ the `openers_bottom` for this delimiter type) for the
+ first matching potential opener ("matching" means same delimiter).
+- If one is found:
+ + Figure out whether we have emphasis or strong emphasis:
+ if both closer and opener spans have length >= 2, we have
+ strong, otherwise regular.
+ + Insert an emph or strong emph node accordingly, after
+ the text node corresponding to the opener.
+ + Remove any delimiters between the opener and closer from
+ the delimiter stack.
+ + Remove 1 (for regular emph) or 2 (for strong emph) delimiters
+ from the opening and closing text nodes. If they become empty
+ as a result, remove them and remove the corresponding element
+ of the delimiter stack. If the closing node is removed, reset
+ `current_position` to the next element in the stack.
+- If none in found:
+ + Set `openers_bottom` to the element before `current_position`.
+ (We know that there are no openers for this kind of closer up to and
+ including this point, so this puts a lower bound on future searches.)
+ + If the closer at `current_position` is not a potential opener,
+ remove it from the delimiter stack (since we know it can't
+ be a closer either).
+ + Advance `current_position` to the next element in the stack.
+After we're done, we remove all delimiters above `stack_bottom` from the
+delimiter stack.