nibilab_linear_random_times - Multiplex linear preferential attachment model – Asynchronous arrival with randomly sampled arrival times on layer 2.
nibilab_linear_random_times <N> <m> <m0> <outfile> <a> <b> <c> <d>
Grow a two-layer multiplex network using the multiplex linear preferential attachment model by Nicosia, Bianconi, Latora, Barthelemy (NiBiLaB).
The probability for a newly arrived node i to create a link to node j on layer 1 is:
![]() |
and the dual probability for i to create a link to j on layer 2 is:
![]() |
Each new node arrives on layer 1, but its replica on the other layer appears at a uniformly chosen random time in [m0 + 1;N].
The (mandatory) parameters are as follows:
The program dumps on the file outfile the (undirected) edge list of the resulting network. Each line of the file is in the format:
src_ID dest_ID
where src_ID and dest_ID are the IDs of the two endpoints of an edge.
V. Nicosia, G. Bianconi, V. Latora, M. Barthelemy, “Growing multiplex networks”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 058701 (2013).
Link to paper: