path: root/js/test.js
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <>2015-01-24 11:07:01 -0800
committerJohn MacFarlane <>2015-01-24 11:07:01 -0800
commitd6c615f2680e79bbb76cc85a056aadfe3524513f (patch)
tree1df0b3fe4a85a6ffcbaf06809318fc40ed062708 /js/test.js
parent31530d93448bdf93c0797540a73c6b67586ad5e1 (diff)
Removed JS implementation, which is moving to its own repo:
Diffstat (limited to 'js/test.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/js/test.js b/js/test.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 4da964d..0000000
--- a/js/test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-"use strict";
-var fs = require('fs');
-var commonmark = require('./lib/index.js');
-// Home made mini-version of the npm ansi module:
-var escSeq = function(s) {
- return function (){
- process.stdout.write('\u001b' + s);
- return this;
- };
-var repeat = function(pattern, count) {
- if (count < 1) {
- return '';
- }
- var result = '';
- while (count > 1) {
- if (count & 1) {
- result += pattern;
- }
- count >>= 1;
- pattern += pattern;
- }
- return result + pattern;
-var cursor = {
- write: function (s) {
- process.stdout.write(s);
- return this;
- },
- green: escSeq('[0;32m'),
- red: escSeq('[0;31m'),
- cyan: escSeq('[0;36m'),
- reset: escSeq('[0m')
-var writer = new commonmark.HtmlRenderer();
-var reader = new commonmark.Parser();
-var results = {
- passed: 0,
- failed: 0
-var showSpaces = function(s) {
- var t = s;
- return t.replace(/\t/g, '→')
- .replace(/ /g, '␣');
-var pathologicalTest = function(testcase, res) {
- cursor.write( + ' ');
- console.time(' elapsed time');
- var actual = writer.render(reader.parse(testcase.input));
- if (actual === testcase.expected) {
- res.passed += 1;
- } else {
- cursor.cyan();
- cursor.write('=== markdown ===============\n');
- cursor.write(showSpaces(testcase.input));
- cursor.write('=== expected ===============\n');
- cursor.write(showSpaces(testcase.expected));
- cursor.write('=== got ====================\n');
- cursor.write(showSpaces(actual));
- cursor.write('\n');
- cursor.reset();
- res.failed += 1;
- }
- console.timeEnd(' elapsed time');
-fs.readFile('spec.txt', 'utf8', function(err, data) {
- if (err) {
- return console.log(err);
- }
- var i;
- var examples = [];
- var current_section = "";
- var example_number = 0;
- var tests = data
- .replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n") // Normalize newlines for platform independence
- .replace(/^<!-- END TESTS -->(.|[\n])*/m, '');
- tests.replace(/^\.\n([\s\S]*?)^\.\n([\s\S]*?)^\.$|^#{1,6} *(.*)$/gm,
- function(_, markdownSubmatch, htmlSubmatch, sectionSubmatch){
- if (sectionSubmatch) {
- current_section = sectionSubmatch;
- } else {
- example_number++;
- examples.push({markdown: markdownSubmatch,
- html: htmlSubmatch,
- section: current_section,
- number: example_number});
- }
- });
- current_section = "";
- cursor.write('Spec tests:\n\n');
- console.time("Elapsed time");
- for (i = 0; i < examples.length; i++) {
- var example = examples[i];
- if (example.section !== current_section) {
- if (current_section !== '') {
- cursor.write('\n');
- }
- current_section = example.section;
- cursor.reset().write(current_section).reset().write(' ');
- }
- var actual = writer.render(reader.parse(example.markdown.replace(/→/g, '\t')));
- if (actual === example.html) {
- results.passed++;
- } else {
- results.failed++;
- cursor.write('\n');
-'✘ Example ' + example.number + '\n');
- cursor.cyan();
- cursor.write('=== markdown ===============\n');
- cursor.write(showSpaces(example.markdown));
- cursor.write('=== expected ===============\n');
- cursor.write(showSpaces(example.html));
- cursor.write('=== got ====================\n');
- cursor.write(showSpaces(actual));
- cursor.reset();
- }
- }
- cursor.write('\n');
- console.timeEnd("Elapsed time");
- // pathological cases
- cursor.write('\nPathological cases:\n');
- var cases = [
- { name: 'U+0000 in input',
- input: 'abc\u0000xyz\u0000\n',
- expected: '<p>abc\ufffdxyz\ufffd</p>\n' },
- { name: 'nested strong emph 10000 deep',
- input: repeat('*a **a ', 10000) + 'b' + repeat(' a** a*', 10000),
- expected: '<p>' + repeat('<em>a <strong>a ', 10000) + 'b' +
- repeat(' a</strong> a</em>', 10000) + '</p>\n' },
- { name: 'nested brackets 10000 deep',
- input: repeat('[', 10000) + 'a' + repeat(']', 10000),
- expected: '<p>' + repeat('[', 10000) + 'a' + repeat(']', 10000) +
- '</p>\n' },
- { name: 'nested block quote 10000 deep',
- input: repeat('> ', 10000) + 'a\n',
- expected: repeat('<blockquote>\n', 10000) + '<p>a</p>\n' +
- repeat('</blockquote>\n', 10000) }
- ];
- for (i = 0; i < cases.length; i++) {
- pathologicalTest(cases[i], results);
- }
- cursor.write('\n');
- cursor.write(results.passed.toString() + ' tests passed, ' +
- results.failed.toString() + ' failed.\n');