diff options
authorKatolaZ <>2018-09-04 10:49:01 +0100
committerKatolaZ <>2018-09-04 10:49:01 +0100
commit5992644735138034b221398f73f4e97d56500e33 (patch)
parentb4c015b23c34870243b75ca75fa824cf3452b471 (diff)
added and removed debugging messages
3 files changed, 128 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f07e579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+A simple way to manage the gopher lawn or any other collection of
+links organised in categories and sub-categories.
+ cat file1 file2 ... | ./lawnmower
+where `file1`, `file2` ... are files containing the description of
+categories and links. The command will generate a directory structure
+that mimics the hierarchical organisation of categories, and will
+generate an index.gph file for each category.
+The rendering can be customised by tinkering with the functions in
+`render.awk`. The only ones that are called from outside `render.awk`
+are (in this order):
+ - render_init():
+ can be used for any specific initialisation
+ - render_categories(category, cnum, link, lnum):
+ creates the directory structure and puts titles and list of
+ sub-categories in each index.gph file.
+ - render_post_categories(category, cnum):
+ can be used to add anything to the index.gph files before the
+ list of links is appended.
+ - render_links(category, cnum, link, lnum):
+ add each link to the list of links of all the categories it
+ belongs to.
+ - render_finalise(category, cnum, link, lnum):
+ anything that needs to be rendered after the list of links.
+ Currently used to add a back-link to the main page.
+Link and Category description
+Each link is a RFC822 stanza like:
+Type: link
+The meaning of most fields should be obvious. LinkName: is the displayed
+name of the selector. Description: is a description line that
+accompanies the selector. It can possibly span more than one line.
+Category: is a comma-separated list of catagory Names to which the link
+belongs. Keywords: is a comma-separated list of keywords, which could be
+used to enhance search. Please see an example below:
+ Type: link
+ Selector: /
+ Host:
+ Port: 70
+ LinkName: KatolaZ's gopherhole
+ Description: KatolaZ's home page, where he shows software and other
+ stuff.
+ Category: homepage
+ Keywords: homepage, katolaz, software
+Each category is a RFC822 stanza like:
+Type: category
+The meaning of the fields should be obvious. Title: is the title to be
+shown in the front page of the category. Name: is the (unique) name of
+the category. Parent: is a comma-separated list of categories to which
+this category belongs. Examples below:
+ Type: category
+ Name: homepage
+ Selector: /lawn/homepages/index.gph
+ Host: host
+ Port: port
+ LinkName: homepages
+ Title: ____________H_O_M_E_P_A_G_E_S____________
+ Description: Homepages of some gophers.
+ Feel free to suggest yours by calling 1-2345-678-901
+ Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00
+ Parent: root
+ Keywords: homepages, gopherholes, personal
+ Type: category
+ Name: bitreich-members
+ Selector: /lawn/homepages/bitreich/index.gph
+ Host: host
+ Port: port
+ LinkName: Bitreich members
+ Title: _______B_I_T_R_E_I_C_H___M_E_M_B_E_R_S_______
+ Description: gopherholes of Bitreich members
+ Parent: homepage
+ Kewords: homepages, bitreich, members
+There is no special category, meaning that the top-most category is
+treated as any other category, and its page has exactly the same
+structure as any other category. This can be customised through the
+rendering functions above.
diff --git a/parse.awk b/parse.awk
index e725532..db83b49 100644
--- a/parse.awk
+++ b/parse.awk
@@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ BEGIN{
delete link;
### configurable variables
- BASEDIR="./";
- ROOTFILE="./lawn/index.gph";
- ROOTSEL="/lawn/index.gph";
- HOST="localhost";
- PORT="1500";
+ BASEDIR="./"; # the folder where the hierarchy will be created
+ ROOTSEL="/lawn/index.gph"; # the selector of the root page (back)
+ HOST="localhost"; # the default host
+ PORT="1500"; # and the default port
function is_empty(a){
@@ -39,7 +38,6 @@ function add_category(c){
function get_cur(cur){
- #print "cur[Type]:", cur["Type"];
switch (cur["Type"]) {
case "": {
print "empty type -- skipping record";
@@ -63,7 +61,6 @@ function get_cur(cur){
/^[A-Z][-a-zA-Z]+:/{## New field
- #print "Field:",$1,"-","Value:",$2
gsub(/^ +/,"",$2);
gsub(/ *$/,"",$2);
@@ -86,18 +83,10 @@ function get_cur(cur){
-## for (i=1;i<=cnum;i++){
-## printf("[1%s|%s|%s|%s]\r\n", category[i,"LinkName"], category[i,"Selector"], \
-## category[i,"Host"], category[i,"Port"]);
-## }
render_categories(category, cnum);
render_post_categories(category, cnum);
render_links(category, cnum, link, lnum);
render_finalise(category, cnum, link, lnum);
- ##render_links(link, lnum, cfiles);
- #for (k in cnames)
- # print k, cnames[k];
+ dump_links(category, cnum, link, lnum);
diff --git a/render.awk b/render.awk
index c528188..148a43e 100644
--- a/render.awk
+++ b/render.awk
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ function get_parents(a){
split(a, pars, /[:blank:]*,[:blank:]*/);
for (k in pars){
gsub(/ +/, "", pars[k]);
- #printf("%d: %s\n", k, pars[k]);
@@ -39,15 +38,13 @@ function category_in_parents(category, i){
for (p in pars){
- #printf("pars[%d]: %s\n", p, pars[p]);
- if (pars[p]!="none"){### this is the root page
+ if (pars[p]!="none"){### the root page does not have parents...
if (has_categories[pars[p]] == ""){
info_line("", "Err", HOST, PORT, dst);
info_line("Sub-categories:", "Err", HOST, PORT, dst) ;
- ##print "cfiles[pars[p]]:", cfiles[f];
show_category_link(category, i, dst);
@@ -81,13 +78,11 @@ function render_init(){
function render_categories(category, cnum, link, lnum){
for (i=1; i<=cnum; i++){
- #print "'" cname "'";
cfiles[cname]=BASEDIR category[i,"Selector"];
"dirname " cfiles[cname] | getline bdir;
if (system("ls -d " bdir " >/dev/null") >0){
system("mkdir " bdir);
- #print cname ":" cfiles[cname];
cmd=sprintf("rm -f %s", cfiles[cname]);
category_header(category, i, cfiles[cname]);