path: root/man/CMakeLists.txt
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-01-02build: improve man page installationSaleem Abdulrasool
man pages are extremely useful, but are not generally available on Windows. This changes the install condition to check for the Windows cross-compile rather than the toolchain in use. It is possible to build for Windows using clang in the GNU driver.
2020-01-02build: only include GNUInstallDirs onceSaleem Abdulrasool
Avoid including the utility once, which should avoid some unnecessary CMake checks, and reduces duplication.
2016-02-28Fix installation dir of man-pages on NetBSDKamil Rytarowski
2015-01-11Added cmark.3 man page to repository and archive.John MacFarlane
It simplifies the build if python and the cmark library aren't needed to build the man page. The top level Makefile has a rule to regenerate this when src/cmark.h changes. Updated Makefile.nmake for recent changes. Added case folding data file to archive, since otherwise make fails.
2015-01-11Small reorganization of man/CMakeLists.txt.John MacFarlane
Don't add install targets if on Windows.
2015-01-11Make sure library is built before man page.John MacFarlane
Closes #279.
2014-12-26Use python, not python2, as name of python interpreter.John MacFarlane
Partially reverts ba8f2c48b700a466a8cf7097d5f72d43372d4c37. See #251.
2014-12-24Use python2 for man, test scripts.John MacFarlane
Closes #251.
2014-12-17Create cmark.3 in cmake build process.John MacFarlane
Remove it from the repository. Closes #241.
2014-11-29Added very basic cmark.3 man page, added to install process.John MacFarlane
This currently just contains a list of functions. It needs some accompanying text, commentary, examples. See #224.
2014-11-29Keep cmark.1 in repository, so pandoc isn't required to build.John MacFarlane
See #224.
2014-11-29Changed name of man target to 'manpages'.John MacFarlane
2014-11-29Moved man page generation to man/CMakeLists.txt.John MacFarlane
Removed doxygen stuff for now. It seems too complex for what we need. We'll find another way to create cmark.3.
2014-11-07Removed old man/CMakeLists.txt.John MacFarlane
2014-10-25Added man/CMakeLists.txt to install man pages.John MacFarlane